
Showing posts from May, 2023

Week 9: Space + Art

               Space is an entire world that remains unexplored, is where imagination dwells, and where creativity begins. The idea that our universe is infinitely growing creates uneasiness for many, which has created a dynamic and growing field of space research. This type of uncertainty has drawn the attention of many artists across the world. Holmes, in his paper, describes that “man cannot realize, he cannot calculate how small, how utterly insignificant in his own planet compared with the totality of the universe” (Holmes, 1917). Ever since humans have been able to observe space, it has only led to more open doors and more questions about its limitless beauty. Even ancient civilizations have crafted stories based on the stars such as Orion the Hunter and Orion’s belt (Sgro, 2019). Many believe that these stories offer some meaning to the purpose of humans due to our tiny and minute existence.  LoveToKnow. Exploring Retro Space Art , 2021.              The “Space Race”, which refe

Week 8: Nanotechnology + Art

             Nanotechnology refers to the field of science and technology which deals with the control of matter at the atomic level, the scale of individual atoms and molecules. It involves the design and application of systems with properties that apply to and function at the scale of the nanometer for the purpose of constructing high performance items (CRN). This definition however, proves to be rather simple. Nanotechnology essentially serves as a bridge between scientists and artists to help bridge their work. By taking the form of pictures, animations, and paintings, nanotechnology utilizes atomic material to create unique visuals that challenge, explore, and expand our views of the material world.  SciTechDaily. Nanotechnology Enables 3D Visualization of Crucial RNA Structures , 2022.                 Nanotechnology has applications in improving animal, agriculture, nutritional, medicinal, and pharmaceutical sciences (Nasrollahzadeh et el., 2019). Brown has demonstrated to us tha

Event 2: Leonardo Da Vinci + Gravity

         This past Friday, I attended the "Leonardo Da  Vinci + Gravity" virtual event which delves into Da Vinci's interests which not only provides us a new field to study, but also how Da Vinci thought. This includes his ideas in relation to science, gravity, and the totality of the forces of nature. Claire Fargo, host of the virtual event and expert of the field states that it wasn't that his illustrations were necessarily his ideas, but his thought processes.  Gharib, Morteza. A Doodle Reveals da Vinci's Early Deconstruction of Gravity , 2023.           Da Vinci was not only engaged with art, but with science as well, as he tried to understand all aspects of gravity. He was able to explain the relationship of the g-force effect without utilizing the free-fall setup. Long before Galileo and Newton used mathematics to study natural forces, Da Vinci actually calculated the gravitational constant with surprising accuracy. The question remains: how did Da Vinci ge

Week 7: Neuroscience + Art

               Since the earliest stages of medicine, the field of neuroscience has been significantly intertwined with art. This intersection can be traced back to ancient times, where civilizations depict the brain in their artworks. A research study conducted by Magical Egypt Documents reveals the correlation of the Eye of Horus with the Human Limbic System, demonstrating its possible inspiration (Magical Egypt Documents). Chance Gardner, Egyptologist, claims that ancient Egyptians seem to have “synergized art and science in a way that indicated both the form and function of key components of the brain” (Gardner). Magical Egypt Documents. The Eye of Horus and the Human Limbic System , 2020.                This area of study explores the connections between the human brain and artistic expression. Attempting to navigate the intricacies of the body, physicians and surgeons could not purely rely on memory to localize all of the components of the body such as organs and nerves. Rather,